A special edition of the monthly interfaith gatherings was held in Preston, Lancashire, in partnership with Forum for Peace-UK. The workshop focused on the theme of Freedom of Religion and brought together representatives from different religious groups, local authorities, education, and healthcare sectors. The workshop was based on 'The Marakesh Declaration', a document that highlights significant Muslim contributions to the discussion of human rights. The declaration, signed in 2016 by over 300 Muslim scholars, leaders, and heads of states, aims to promote relationships between people of different faiths, challenge intolerance, hatred, and prejudice, and establish foundations for respect and understanding. The workshop aimed to address the challenges faced by faith groups in Preston and Lancashire and explore ways to improve lives through dialogue and collaboration [d147a509].
The workshop provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the challenges faced by faith groups in Preston and Lancashire. It also focused on ways to address these challenges and improve the lives of individuals belonging to different religious communities. The Marakesh Declaration, which was the basis of the workshop, emphasizes the importance of promoting relationships between people of different faiths and combating intolerance, hatred, and prejudice. The declaration serves as a foundation for respect and understanding among diverse religious communities. By organizing this workshop, the Forum for Peace-UK and the interfaith community in Preston aimed to foster dialogue and collaboration among religious groups and various sectors of society, including local authorities, education, and healthcare [d147a509].
The Marakesh Declaration, signed in 2016, has been a significant contribution to the discussion of human rights. It has brought together Muslim scholars, leaders, and heads of states to address the challenges faced by faith groups and promote respect and understanding among people of different faiths. The workshop in Preston, organized in partnership with Forum for Peace-UK, aimed to build upon the principles of the Marakesh Declaration and explore ways to address the challenges faced by faith groups in Preston and Lancashire. The workshop provided a platform for representatives from religious groups, local authorities, education, and healthcare sectors to come together and discuss strategies for improving the lives of individuals belonging to different religious communities [d147a509].