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Entrepreneurs Call for Separate Ministry for SMEs in Bangladesh as Startups Gain Popularity

2023-12-07 18:57:17.071000

Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh are advocating for the creation of a separate ministry dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as startups in the country gain popularity and success. The entrepreneurs argue that a dedicated ministry would provide better support and address the specific needs of SMEs and startups, which play a crucial role in the country's economy [45757495].

Startups in Bangladesh are gaining popularity and success, with young entrepreneurs earning high incomes and making significant contributions to the country's development. Despite challenges such as financial dependence on external investors and operational difficulties, startups are seen as crucial for job creation, innovation, and economic growth. The government and support organizations like Startup Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Angel Investors Network are providing resources and assistance to startups [45757495].

Currently, SMEs in Bangladesh are overseen by the Ministry of Industries, which also handles larger industries. However, entrepreneurs believe that a separate ministry dedicated to SMEs would allow for more focused attention and policies tailored to the unique challenges faced by SMEs and startups. They suggest that a separate ministry would help streamline processes and reduce bureaucratic hurdles for SMEs, ultimately contributing to their growth and development [45757495].

The proposal for a separate ministry for SMEs has gained support from various business associations and industry experts who recognize the importance of SMEs and startups in driving economic growth. They believe that a dedicated ministry would provide better support and resources for SMEs and startups, enabling them to thrive and make a significant social impact [45757495].

In addition to government support, parental support and understanding are also crucial for the success of young entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. The article emphasizes the need for parents to encourage and support their children's entrepreneurial aspirations, as startups are seen as a fast-emerging sector with the potential to create jobs, drive innovation, and contribute to the country's development [45757495].

Overall, the call for a separate ministry for SMEs in Bangladesh reflects the growing recognition of the importance of SMEs and startups in the country's economy. Entrepreneurs are advocating for better support and policies tailored to their specific needs, while also highlighting the need for parental support and understanding. With the government and support organizations already providing resources and assistance to startups, the creation of a dedicated ministry could further boost the growth and success of SMEs and startups in Bangladesh [45757495].

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