v0.36 🌳  

Taiwan President Lai Ching-Te Condemns Autocracy as 'Evil' After Chinese Threats of Death Penalty for Separatists

2024-06-24 08:48:50.572000

China's President Xi Jinping accused the United States of trying to provoke a conflict with Taiwan during a meeting with European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen in April 2023. Xi claimed that Washington was attempting to 'goad Beijing into attacking Taiwan' and stated that a conflict with the US would undermine China's goal of achieving a 'great rejuvenation' by 2049. This is the first known instance of Xi making this claim to a foreign leader. Tensions have been escalating across the Taiwan Strait, with China conducting military drills in response to the inauguration of Taiwan's new president. The US has increased engagement with Taiwan while maintaining its commitment to the one-China policy [b6970553].

Taiwan's President-elect Lai Ching-te has called on US lawmakers to support Taiwan's defense efforts and enhance its military capabilities as a deterrent against Chinese aggression. Lai emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait during his visit to the US. He urged Congress to pass legislation that would strengthen Taiwan's defense and deterrence capabilities. Lai's request for US support comes at a time of heightened tensions between Taiwan and China, with Beijing conducting military exercises near the island and increasing diplomatic pressure on countries to isolate Taiwan [8e8ee643].

Lai's stance aligns with the sentiments of the Taiwanese public, with polls showing that 80% of Taiwanese support cross-strait exchanges on the principle of reciprocity and a majority favor maintaining Taiwan's status quo. Lai aims to strengthen Taiwan's defenses and ties with other democratic countries, envisioning Taiwan becoming a key supplier of sensitive technologies. However, Lai also faces domestic challenges and pressure in his new role as president, with concerns about pro-unification parties working with China to subvert democracy. He has called on political parties to oppose annexation and protect Taiwan's sovereignty [febee46b][aee4786e][7faea5d4].

Lai Ching-te, also known as William, assumed the presidency of Taiwan on May 20, 2024, after a tumultuous transition period. He faces the challenge of leading Taiwan, a self-ruling island of 23 million people, in the face of China's ambition to annex it. Lai aims to strengthen bonds with the United States, which he believes is crucial for Taiwan's defense. However, closer ties between Taipei and Washington may increase pressure from Beijing and raise the risk of conflict. Lai's administration also faces challenges in the legislature, where the opposition party has gained control. Despite the obstacles, Lai is determined to deepen Taiwan's democracy and contribute to the country's development [b484731f].

In his inaugural address, President Lai Ching-te emphasized Taiwan's sovereignty and its status as a sovereign, independent nation. He called for Taiwanese businesspeople in China to return to Taiwan to reduce economic dependence on China. Lai's use of the designations 'Republic of China,' 'Republic of China Taiwan,' and 'Taiwan' in his speech reflects a shift in perspective. He also made references to Taiwan's history, including martial law in 1949 and the strategic position of Taiwan. Lai's speech was seen as a retrospective of Taiwan's 400-year history, focusing on Taiwanese history. The prevailing view in Taiwan is that Lai stated the 'obvious' to Taiwanese voters. However, the current Constitution of the Republic of China states that the ROC was founded by Sun Yat-sen, so it remains to be seen how Lai's perspective on history will be reconciled with the constitutional view [9ec6679b][99787dda].

Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te has rebuked China's recent warning that supporters of Taiwanese independence could face the death penalty, stating that China 'has no right to punish' Taiwanese people for their views. Lai emphasized that democracy should not be equated with crime, and that China should engage in dialogue with Taiwan's democratically elected government instead of pursuing punitive measures. The comments come amidst heightened tensions between China and Taiwan, with Beijing increasing military pressure on the island in recent years [e3e2f6c1].

China considers Taiwan as part of its territory and has maintained a strong military presence around the island. Beijing has called Lai a 'dangerous separatist' who will bring 'war and decline' to the region [2d9bf8b2].

In response to China's threat of the death penalty for supporters of Taiwanese independence, Taiwan President Lai Ching-te declared that autocracy is 'evil.' Lai condemned China's attempt to punish Taiwanese people for their views and emphasized that democracy should not be equated with crime. He called for China to engage in dialogue with Taiwan's democratically elected government instead of pursuing punitive measures. China views Taiwan as its own territory and has expressed dislike for Lai, calling him a 'separatist.' China recently issued new legal guidelines to punish those supporting Taiwan's formal independence, but Chinese courts have no jurisdiction over Taiwan [fec65554].

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