v0.38 🌳  

Norwegian Pension Fund Divests from Caterpillar Over Gaza War Risks

2024-06-26 08:29:46.530000

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has prompted Norway's largest pension fund, KLP, to divest its stake of close to $70 million in US industrial group Caterpillar. KLP made this decision due to the risk that Caterpillar's equipment is being used to violate human rights in occupied Palestine. Israel's military has historically used Caterpillar D9 bulldozers, fitted with armor and weapons, for demolishing houses and infrastructure in the occupied territory, as well as in combat scenarios. KLP engaged in dialogue with Caterpillar but did not receive satisfactory assurances that the company could reduce the risk of violating individual rights. The divestment occurred on June 17, and KLP had previously excluded companies linked to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Norway considers these settlements a breach of international law. This move by KLP follows the actions of Norway's $1.6 trillion wealth fund, which has already divested from nine Israeli companies over activities in the occupied Palestinian territories. Overall, the pressure on companies involved in the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to grow [2c53ae3e] [d18bac51].

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