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President Biden Signs Bipartisan FAA Bill into Law, Investing in Aviation Safety and Air Travel Infrastructure

2024-05-17 02:54:25.899000
[num] CNN

President Biden has signed a bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill into law, renewing the agency's authority for the next five years and investing in air travel infrastructure nationwide. The legislation, which passed the House on Wednesday and the Senate last week, aims to address key issues in the aviation industry [c713f3de].

The new law requires the FAA to hire and train as many air traffic controllers as possible to close a gap of 3,000 vacancies. This move aims to boost aviation safety by ensuring adequate staffing levels in air traffic control towers across the country. Additionally, the law mandates the installation of additional runway technology at medium and large hub airports to reduce collisions and near-collisions on runways. These measures will enhance the safety and efficiency of air travel [c713f3de].

The legislation authorizes over $105 billion in funding for the FAA and $738 million for the National Transportation Safety Board for fiscal years 2024 through 2028. This funding will support various initiatives aimed at improving aviation safety and infrastructure [c713f3de].

Furthermore, the Biden administration's new Department of Transportation rule requires automatic cash refunds instead of vouchers for canceled or significantly delayed flights. Under the new law, if a passenger declines an airline's rebooking request or does not respond to the request, the airline must issue an automatic refund. This provision aims to protect consumer rights and ensure a fair and efficient refund process for passengers [c713f3de].

The bipartisan FAA bill represents a significant step towards enhancing aviation safety, improving air travel infrastructure, and protecting passenger rights. The law's provisions will have a lasting impact on the aviation industry and the travel experience for millions of Americans [c713f3de].

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