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Philippines and Japan to Strengthen Defense Cooperation with Reciprocal Military Access Agreement

2024-05-28 01:39:13.725000

In a move to further enhance their defense cooperation, the Philippines and Japan are set to finalize a reciprocal access agreement in July. The Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) will be signed during a bilateral security meeting in Manila and will allow maritime, land, and air forces from both countries to train in each other's territory. This agreement marks an important milestone in the defense partnership between the two nations [d7402b57].

The negotiations on the RAA were agreed upon by President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in November. Once ratified, Japanese defense troops will be able to fully participate in the annual joint Philippine-US Balikatan military exercise. This agreement will also enable closer military intelligence-sharing between the Philippines and Japan through the General Security of Military Information Agreement [d7402b57].

The reciprocal access agreement between the Philippine Armed Forces and the Japanese Self-Defense Force signifies a deepening of defense ties between the two countries. It is Japan's first RAA with a Southeast Asian nation, highlighting the importance of the Philippines as a strategic partner in the region. The agreement reflects the shared commitment of both nations to maintain peace, security, and stability in the Asia-Pacific region [d7402b57].

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