v2.02 🌳  

US Extends Suspension of Duties on Ukrainian Steel for Another Year

2024-06-03 08:55:08.080000

The United States has announced that it will extend the temporary suspension of duties on Ukrainian steel under Section 232 for another year. This decision comes after the volume of Ukrainian steel imported to the United States in 2023 amounted to less than 1% of all steel imports to the country. The US also included the suspension of tariffs on steel products from Ukraine that are further processed in EU member states. The initial suspension of duties on Ukrainian steel was implemented in May 2022 and was extended in May 2023. Last year, President Joe Biden's decree was further extended to eliminate duties on EU products made from steel of Ukrainian origin. However, duty-free circulation of these products requires a certificate confirming the Ukrainian origin of steel products processed in an EU member state. [5ae0addb]

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