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Turkey Applies to Join International Lunar Science Station Program

2024-04-10 09:27:03.044000

Japan is expanding its space economy and focusing on developing a strong cislunar component. The country aims to create an integrated ecosystem in the Earth-orbital-cislunar-Moon neighborhood and ensure its safety and peacefulness [ad45d386]. Japan is working on key technologies such as propulsion, landers, rovers, power generation, data, mining, and lunar infrastructures. It is also engaging new-to-space industries to invest and contribute to the nascent cislunar economy [ad45d386].

Japan's strategic and economic security in space and on Earth are closely linked, and it has become an important space economy partner for many countries and regions. The Japanese space economy ecosystem is increasingly engaging with new partnerships and industries, both in Asia and globally. The SPACETIDE Foundation, a Tokyo-based nonprofit organization, is driving the creation of an ecosystem for the Asia-Pacific space industry [ad45d386].

Japan is also developing space-based solar assets for power generation on Earth, in orbit, and in cislunar space. Additionally, Japan is taking the lead in developing a protocol for the management and removal of space debris [ad45d386]. The country's efforts in the space sector are driven by national security concerns and the desire to remain a leader in technology and industrial manufacturing. Japan is positioning itself as an indispensable space economy partner and intensifying its cooperation with allies, including Europe [ad45d386].

The emerging lunar economy is gaining increased interest, with key countries like the United States and China investing billions to return to the moon and develop bases for sustainable human habitation. The lunar economy's impact on sustainability is a significant focus, and efforts and initiatives by spacefaring nations are shaping this emerging market. However, the market size and growth rate are yet to be determined [9277d235].

According to a research report by ResearchAndMarkets.com, the emerging lunar economy presents burgeoning opportunities in ISRU capabilities, lunar infrastructure, and enabling logistics. Key countries like the United States and China are investing billions to develop bases for long-term, sustainable human habitation on the lunar surface [5deede86]. The report highlights the impact of the lunar economy on sustainability and identifies market drivers and restraints. It also outlines three top growth opportunities for the near and long term. However, the market size and growth rate in the early stages of development have not been determined [5deede86].

The United States is also actively pursuing the development of a lunar economy through its Artemis program. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working with 14 companies, including Northrop Grumman and SpaceX, to assess how services such as power and communications could be established on the Moon. DARPA has issued a 'Request for Information' for technological capabilities that could scale up lunar exploration and commerce. The six areas of interest include centralized heating and cooling on the Moon to address thermal challenges. Major Michael 'Orbit' Nayak, the DARPA program manager, published a paper based on the learnings from the LunA-10 study, which aims to facilitate a thriving lunar economy by 2035 [f6ff4603].

Northrop Grumman has been chosen by DARPA to develop a concept for a lunar railroad network as part of the LunA-10 Capability Study. The study aims to outline the requirements for building a rail system on the moon to support the transportation of humans, supplies, and resources. Northrop Grumman will focus on defining interfaces and resources, identifying costs and challenges, and considering prototypes and operational concepts. The study is part of DARPA's initiative to establish an analytical framework for integrated lunar infrastructure [58653c99].

Under DARPA's Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) mission, the US Department of Defense (DoD) has partnered with Northrop Grumman to develop a railway service on the Moon. The project aims to create a moon-based railroad network to facilitate the transportation of humans, supplies, and resources across the lunar surface. Northrop Grumman will define the necessary interfaces and resources, assess challenges, and prototype the lunar rail system's design and architecture. The collaboration between DARPA and Northrop Grumman aims to revolutionize transportation logistics on the Moon and pave the way for sustained human presence and resource utilization in space [7f831a2b].

Led by aerospace leader Northrop Grumman and backed by the US Department of Defense, the US is planning to establish a rail network on the moon called the 'Moon Train' to enable smooth transportation of goods and individuals on the lunar terrain. The project aims to foster human presence and economic ventures beyond Earth's bounds. The Moon Train project is a collaborative endeavor involving companies like Northrop Grumman, SpaceX, and Blue Origin. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium will convene next month to unveil progress and insights, with a final report expected in June. The Moon Train project represents a significant leap forward in humanity's quest to establish a sustainable presence beyond Earth [044455f6].

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Northrop Grumman plan to build a lunar railway system to facilitate transportation of humans, resources, and supplies for commercial purposes. The effort is part of DARPA's Lunar Architecture Capability Study (LunA-10) to develop future infrastructure on the moon. The US Space Force is also interested in the military utility of operations around the moon. China and Russia have plans to establish a joint moon base, and both China and the US are considering nuclear power plants on the moon. The moon is believed to have valuable resources such as silicon, rare earth metals, titanium, aluminum, water, precious metals, and Helium-3 [3a6b908d].

Turkey has applied to join the International Lunar Science Station (ILSS), a joint venture by Russia and China. The ILSS, also known as the Russia Orbital Station, is planned to be established in orbit between 2027 and 2032. Turkey's application aligns with its recent space achievements, including astronaut Alper Gezeravci's mission to the International Space Station. By joining the ILSS, Turkey aims to enhance its scientific and technological capabilities and participate in advancing human understanding of space [d206d934].

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