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The Role of a Forward-Looking Government in Transitioning to a Clean, Low Carbon Economy

2024-06-22 06:54:25.538000

Republicans understand the role of fossil fuels in the economy but get climate change wrong, while Democrats misunderstand how the oil industry works and propose ineffective solutions. Oil companies do not control prices; they are set by global markets based on supply and demand. High profits and inflation are caused by high oil prices, not the other way around. Instead of proposing windfall profits taxes or rebates, politicians should address the supply and demand sides of oil prices. Buying back shares and paying dividends is a common practice in the oil industry and capitalism as a whole. Understanding the complexities of the energy sector is crucial for effective policymaking and informed consumer decisions.

Increasingly sophisticated and better-funded disinformation is making climate coverage trickier both for journalists to produce and for the public to fully understand and trust. The fossil fuel industry's PR tactics have shifted, but the stories they're telling don't change much from year to year. The industry often refers to economic models commissioned by the fossil fuel industry when discussing the cost of acting on climate change, conveniently leaving out the cost of inaction. The industry loves to emphasize its role in preserving national security, even when engaging in geopolitical brinksmanship. The fossil fuel industry frequently argues that taking care of the environment is bad for the economy, often pointing to industry-commissioned studies as proof. The industry also likes to shift blame to consumers for the impacts of fossil fuels and shame them into silence on climate issues. The industry promotes voluntary solutions to avoid regulation and make it seem like they are actively working on solutions. Finally, the industry funds various institutions and organizations to clean up its image and make communities feel dependent on it. [edcc8e55]

US congressional Democrats have accused oil giants such as ExxonMobil and Chevron, along with trade groups, of engaging in denial and doublespeak to block meaningful action on climate change. The lawmakers' report presents evidence of the oil industry's evolving public relations strategy, from climate science denial to disinformation and doublespeak. The report highlights the industry's campaigns to confuse and mislead the public, while concealing the facts about their business model and the dangers of fossil fuels. The report also mentions the industry's support for carbon capture technology publicly, while privately calling it prohibitively expensive. The American Petroleum Institute defended the industry's balance of environmental and economic priorities, emphasizing the need for reliable, affordable oil and natural gas. [cd953232]

Senate Democrats recently held a hearing titled 'Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak: Big Oil’s Evolving Efforts to Avoid Accountability for Climate Change,' accusing oil and gas companies of deceiving the public about climate change. The hearing and the accompanying report were a regurgitation of findings from a Democratic-led 2022 House Oversight Committee investigation. The hearing and related lawsuits can negatively affect the fossil fuel industry, which is responsible for powering the U.S. economy. The transition to renewable sources will be economically costly and lengthy, but major oil companies have committed to net-zero and low-carbon goals. Eliminating fossil fuel use would cause immediate shocks to the U.S. economy and put upward pressure on energy prices. The hearing and lawsuits ignore the ongoing efforts by the industry to reduce carbon emissions and develop new technologies. The U.S. oil and gas industry invested $20 billion in clean energy projects in 2022 alone. Oil and gas companies want to invest in their core businesses while also developing innovative technologies to confront climate change and reduce the environmental impact of their products. Senate Democrats should work with the industry to come up with real solutions. [7f677807]

Climate change is an existential crisis for the United States. It poses one of the gravest threats to our economy. The U.S. home insurance market is already starting to be affected by climate disasters. The Biden administration's focus on spurring a transition to clean renewable energy is vital. The fossil fuel industry is sacrificing American interests to protect their profits. Biden's clean energy policies have already created over 1.3 million new clean energy jobs. The IRA has also tripled U.S. battery manufacturing and new energy efficiency standards will save households and businesses money on utility bills. Big Oil's claim that climate policies raise energy costs is disingenuous. Big Oil's climate deception has allowed China to have an advantage in solar panel and electric vehicle manufacturing. Fossil fuel companies actively concealed the dangers of their products and blocked clean energy solutions. The Biden Administration is taking action to ensure America can compete in the global clean energy economy.

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are cheaper than oil, gas, and coal in many places and have produced 30 percent of the world's electricity in 2023. However, fossil fuel interests, including think tanks and trade associations, are preventing the market from shifting to the lowest cost energy. They use tactics like lobbying, manufacturing grassroots support, and spreading misinformation to maximize profits. As renewables become more competitive, there is a large-scale effort to deceive the public into thinking that alternative products are harmful and unreliable. The industry spreads falsehoods, such as offshore wind turbines killing whales, to stop renewable energy projects. Researchers have identified a complex web of fossil fuel interests, climate-denial think tanks, and community groups behind opposition to wind farms off the coast of New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

Industry groups are attempting to slow down Massachusetts' and other states' response to climate change by enacting policies on building construction. The use of fossil fuels, including natural gas and propane, is causing the climate crisis and endangering health. All-electric construction and operation have been found to have lower costs compared to gas, and electricity prices are forecasted to remain stable. The push for clean energy is driven by a confluence of climate and health concerns. The fossil fuel industry is lashing out at the success of science and advocacy, creating its version of a circular firing squad. Gas companies are being criticized for their desire for a longer runway to reduce emissions, despite having had ample ramp-up time. Property owners are experiencing economic repercussions from extreme weather and rising home insurance rates. Massachusetts needs to discriminate against fossil fuels and stop building new buildings with them. [cfe2a251]

The greatest hurdle in transitioning to a clean, low carbon economy is overcoming the vested interests of polluting industries. Well-funded marketing teams and lobbyists promote the interests of oil and gas companies, car manufacturers, agrochemicals, and housing developers. Fossil fuel companies are major donors to political parties and think tanks. A forward-looking government would redirect the profits of the fossil fuel industry towards building a future energy system and cleaning up pollution. A responsible government would actively manage the economy to keep the UK competitive during the transition, prioritize training and opportunities for young people, and support the reskilling of workers. Government can also invest in upgrading the national grid, support UK manufacturing of new technologies, allocate farm subsidies to promote effective farming practices, require energy-efficient homes, and set regulations for the car industry. The choice to vote for a party that understands and tackles these challenges is crucial for a prosperous modern society. [06109cae]

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