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A Critical Look at Trump's Economic Management: Is it More Like Communism Than Capitalism?

2024-06-23 22:53:16.138000

According to several presidential polls, the majority of voters say that the most important issue in the is the economy, and that Donald Trump is a better economic manager than President Joe Biden. They believe the economy should be run more like a business and that Donald Trump is a savvy businessman. Mr. Trump assured voters in 2016 that if he could run the country the way he ran his company, it would be a country to be proud of. However, during his presidency, he fleeced American taxpayers, betrayed them with false promises, and left our children and grandchildren in debt. Trump inherited his father's financial empire and played with house money throughout his life. He is more of a promoter than a savvy businessman, stamping his father's name on buildings and cheap products. He has misled college students with his bogus Trump University and dissolved The Trump Foundation due to illegal activities. Despite his six corporate bankruptcies, he has suffered no personal bankruptcy and has shifted personal debts to others. As president, he frequently used taxpayer money to fund his personal trips to his golf courses and properties. His public policies were designed for his own political profit at taxpayers' expense, such as the border wall and trade war with China. The trillion-dollar tax cut he promoted and signed will be paid for by our children and grandchildren. In a civil fraud case, he was found liable for manipulating his net worth to avoid paying taxes. If he wins a second term, he promises to relax regulations on fossil fuel industries, which will have negative consequences for the environment and public health. Finally, his present campaign platform is based on the lie that the last election was stolen from him. The question for voters is whether he will fool us twice.

Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, president of the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute, warns that Donald Trump's economic initiatives share more in common with communism than capitalism. Sonnenfeld criticizes Trump's anti-business instincts, including proposing universal tariffs, unorthodox monetary and fiscal policies, and devaluing the dollar. Sonnenfeld also notes that Trump's team has been replaced by MAGA extremists and junior varsity opportunists. Trump met with CEOs at the Business Roundtable's quarterly meeting but struggled to instill confidence in the group. Sonnenfeld contrasts Trump's positions with those of Joe Biden, highlighting Biden's investments in infrastructure, support for domestic chip making and electric vehicle production, and record corporate profits. A report by Moody's Analytics states that Biden's policies are better for the economy. However, public perception of Biden's economic policy is low, with only 33 percent of Americans approving of his handling of the economy. Trump's idea of introducing an 'all-tariff policy' and his promise of tax cuts for all Americans are also mentioned.

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