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Minnesota and Maryland Soybean Boards Invest in Research and Promotions

2024-06-30 17:54:07.941000

During its June board meeting, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) reelected Tom Frisch as the chair and Gail Donkers as the vice chair [d42aee13]. Frisch, a fourth-generation farmer and one of four farmers serving on the United Soybean Board, is eager to continue directing soy checkoff investments in his second term as chair [d42aee13]. The Council is responsible for directing state soybean checkoff resources towards research, establishing markets, and developing value-added uses for soy [d42aee13]. The MSR&PC also honored retiring Directors Jim Willers and Kris Folland, who will be stepping off the board in July [d42aee13]. The farmer-led board oversees the investment of checkoff dollars on behalf of the state's nearly 26,000 soybean farmers [d42aee13].

In Maryland, the Maryland Soybean Board (MSB) has invested over $921,783 for its 2024 fiscal year in research, promotions, and communications projects that will benefit local soybean growers [c717a98c]. The projects were selected by the MSB's Board of Directors, which is composed of soybean farmer-leaders from across the state [c717a98c]. The funded projects aim to build demand and consumer trust for Maryland soybeans and soy-based products, as well as address issues such as weed and pest management and increasing yields [c717a98c]. Maryland farmers cultivate around half a million acres of soybeans, producing over 20 million bushels of beans annually [c717a98c]. The checkoff program, funded by farmers through an assessment of one-half of one percent of the net market value of their soybeans, allocates half of the funds to Maryland for programs and sends the other half to the United Soybean Board [c717a98c].

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