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Liberia's Runoff Election: Economy and Safety at the Forefront

2023-11-14 07:51:24.587000
[num] Gallup

Liberia is preparing for a tight runoff election to choose the next president. Incumbent President George Weah, a former international soccer star, faces former Vice President Joseph Boakai. The election will be a referendum on Weah's leadership, as he has faced challenges with corruption and improving the economy. Liberia has long struggled with poverty, material shortages, and safety concerns. The country ranks low in terms of feeling safe and has high levels of corruption. Weah has promised to fight corruption and improve the economy, but his approval ratings have dipped. Boakai argues that Weah has worsened Liberia's position and campaigns under the slogan "Rescue." The election will determine which candidate offers the best chance of improving the lives of Liberians.

In a recent Gallup poll, it was found that the economy and safety are the key factors that will decide the outcome of the runoff elections in Liberia. The country's economy has been a major issue, with high poverty rates and material shortages. Weah's administration has faced criticism for its handling of the economy, and many voters are looking for a candidate who can bring about positive change. Safety is another significant concern for Liberians, as the country ranks low in terms of feeling safe. Addressing these issues will be crucial for the next president in order to improve the lives of the people and restore confidence in the government.

The election is seen as a two-horse race between Weah and Boakai, with many viewing Boakai as the next president who will rescue Liberians from Weah's rule. Weah has defended his administration's performance, touting achievements in infrastructure and tuition-free education. However, he has faced criticism for corruption scandals and allegations of mismanagement. Analysts believe a runoff election is likely, as it is unlikely that any candidate will win outright in the first round. The next president of Liberia faces significant challenges in addressing internal conflicts, corruption, and lack of trust in the electoral system. It is crucial for the country's progress and stability that reforms are implemented to tackle these issues. The upcoming election will determine the path Liberia takes in the years to come.

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