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Experts Discuss Inflation, Interest Rates, and President Biden's Call for Price Gouging to Stop

2024-02-29 16:16:20.165000

Kitty Richards, Executive Director of Groundwork Collaborative, was interviewed on Bloomberg's 'Balance of Power' where she discussed various topics including inflation, interest rates, and President Biden's call for corporations to stop price gouging. Richards mentioned that inflation has been decreasing and shared her thoughts on Fed Chair Jerome Powell. She also speculated on the Federal Reserve's actions regarding interest rates next year. The interview provided insights into the current economic landscape and the potential measures that may be taken to address inflation and interest rates.

Brookings Institution president Cecilia Rouse also spoke about the importance of diversity of thought to the think tank, income and wealth inequality, her time serving under three U.S. presidents, and more. Rouse's insights contribute to the ongoing discussion on inflation and the U.S. economy. [38fc5d74] [4eef9946]

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