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The Impact of Misinformation on Jobs and the Red Bluff Round-Up

2024-04-09 09:18:29.150000

The Red Bluff Round-Up is approaching in Red Bluff, California, and an article from Red Bluff Daily News discusses the impact of misinformation on jobs. The author shares personal experiences at rodeos and expresses a desire for people with different views to coexist. They criticize the $20 minimum wage imposed by the Sacramento government, stating that it undermines the ability to reward the best workers and forces reduced hours and lost jobs. The author also questions the optimistic interpretation of job growth data, highlighting the decline in full-time jobs and the rise in part-time jobs. They mention the increase in immigrant workers and the impact on native-born employment. The article concludes by questioning the trend of punishing American workers and the role of prayer in a predestined world. [c39c8474]

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