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Seattle Invests $2.24 Million in Equitable Access to Clean Energy Training and Career Pathways

2024-06-23 05:45:32.491000

The City of Seattle is investing over $2.24 million to recruit, train, and place workers from communities who have experienced economic and environmental injustices into competitive paying construction and clean energy jobs. The funds have the potential to prepare upwards of 260 workers for construction and clean energy jobs by providing workers with pre-apprenticeship training and job readiness supports administered by the six award recipients. The organizations will prioritize the placement of individuals into construction apprenticeship programs and/or clean energy jobs, with a focus on individuals residing in economically distressed ZIP codes, women, and/or Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) [ec1d45c9].

The City of Seattle's investment represents a continued commitment by Mayor Bruce Harrell to make progress on its ambitious climate goals while also supporting residents most harmed by climate change and creating pathways into livable wage careers. The Priority Hire program, which the City contracts with community organizations and construction pre-apprenticeship training programs, has generated more than $101 million in wages for Priority Hire workers since its creation in 2013. The funds will be utilized to create pathways for eligible workers to move into electrical positions, address the urgent climate crisis, and ensure that those most affected by it have access to family-wage careers and pathways to success in the climate workforce [ec1d45c9].

Seattle has made significant steps toward advancing climate justice and building an inclusive climate workforce, including passing Green New Deal legislation, Building Emissions Performance Standard (BEPS) legislation, and transitioning to clean, energy-efficient appliances. These policies will create local jobs and support workers directly in the Seattle area [ec1d45c9].

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