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North Carolina's Workforce Shortage and the Need for Immigrant Workers

2024-03-26 06:18:04.748000

North Carolina is currently facing a significant workforce shortage, with nearly 9 million job openings and 6 million unemployed workers. Even if every unemployed person were to find a job, there would still be around 3 million unfilled positions. In light of this, the Latino and immigrant community in North Carolina, which is growing, could play a crucial role in filling these gaps. However, these individuals often lack access to work permits or a path to citizenship, hindering their ability to contribute fully to the state's economy. Immigrants already make up 11% of North Carolina's workforce and have been instrumental in starting businesses and driving economic growth. It is therefore urged that the Biden administration embrace long-term immigrants and provide them with legal work permits and protection from deportation [ed2a6506].

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