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Asia Emerges as a Prime Destination for Equities Investment, Led by Japan and India

2024-06-18 07:55:53.306000

Foreign investors are increasingly turning to Asia, particularly Japan and India, as attractive investment destinations for equities. Japan, which has experienced 30 years of low growth, is making a comeback in the equities market and offering great investment opportunities. The rebound in Japan started with Abenomics in 2013 and is still in the early stages of change. The return of inflation in Japan is seen as positive for equities valuations. On the other hand, India is also emerging as an attractive investment destination with a stable economy and significant growth potential. It is currently the fifth-largest economy and one of the largest stock markets in the world, with GDP expected to reach $7 trillion by 2030. India offers a unique opportunity for foreign investors and is seen as a favorable hunting ground for both alpha generation and beta in equities. The survey mentioned earlier highlighted India as the best investment among the three Asian giants, with Indian equities attracting $25 billion in net inflows for the year through March. [54b73e74] [7d4dfff3]

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