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Aker Solutions Recycles Gyda Field's Topsides in Norway

2023-10-28 15:03:08.632000

Aker Solutions, a Norwegian company, is decommissioning and recycling offshore oil-and-gas infrastructure, including the Gyda topsides. Recycling valuable materials like steel, aluminum, and copper from decommissioned structures offers a lower-emissions alternative to extracting metals from ore. The company's environmental expert estimates that returning 18,000 tons of steel to the circular economy would cut carbon emissions by 26,000 to 30,000 tons. Aker Solutions has a pipeline of orders for structural teardowns in the North Sea, where many offshore platforms will eventually need to be decommissioned. The decommissioning and recycling of offshore infrastructure are becoming increasingly important as the energy transition progresses and materials costs rise. Aker Solutions prepares a Second Life Report that details the recoverable raw materials from decommissioned platforms, providing operators with reusable resources like aluminum and steel. The Gyda topside, weighing around 29,000 tons, was transported to Aker Solutions' Stord yard in western Norway and has been safely dismantled and recycled. [af76234b]

In other news, 3D Oil has identified potential structures similar to the Dorado-1 oil discovery in the Bedout Sub-basin of Western Australia. [af76234b]

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