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Renowned Author Nassim Nicholas Taleb Criticizes SBF's Logic and Disagrees with Kiyosaki's Views on USD and Gold

2023-10-08 16:12:13.009000

Renowned author Nassim Nicholas Taleb has entered the fray, criticizing former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried for his poor logic thinking [3c6f8b25]. Taleb responded to SBF's criticism of William Shakespeare, stating that Shakespeare has survived nearly half a millennium of filtering by time [3c6f8b25].

Taleb also disagreed with renowned financial guru Robert Kiyosaki's view on USD and gold, arguing that USD has been stable against gold and silver over the past 50 years [3c6f8b25]. He believes that Kiyosaki's recommendation to invest in gold as a hedge against economic uncertainty is misguided [3c6f8b25].

Furthermore, Taleb criticized Bitcoin, calling it a 'destined to die fad' and a 'tumor' [3c6f8b25]. He believes that Bitcoin lacks the stability and long-term viability of traditional assets like gold and silver [3c6f8b25].

Taleb's critique of SBF's logic and his disagreement with Kiyosaki's views on USD and gold add another layer to the ongoing debate about the future of the global economy and the role of cryptocurrencies [3c6f8b25]. His perspective as a prominent scholar and risk manager brings a unique insight to the discussion [3c6f8b25].

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