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Roche to Market AI Device for Predicting Low Blood Sugar Events in Diabetics

2024-07-10 05:52:40.963000

In a move to assist diabetics in managing their condition, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche will market a device that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict low blood sugar events during the night. The device is a continuous glucose monitor that takes readings every five minutes and is paired with an AI app. The AI-enabled predictive algorithms can indicate the risk of hypoglycemia within the next 30 minutes, forecast glucose levels for the next two hours, and estimate the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia. The technology aims to alleviate concerns about nighttime hypoglycemia and lower its risk. Roche emphasizes that the predictive AI algorithms meet European health and safety standards [fc4de73e].

This development by Roche demonstrates the growing role of AI in healthcare and medical technology. By leveraging AI algorithms and continuous glucose monitoring, diabetics can receive real-time predictions and insights into their blood sugar levels, enabling them to take proactive measures to manage their condition effectively. This technology has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for diabetics and reduce the risk of complications associated with hypoglycemia [fc4de73e].

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