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'Only trust sales leads that have a seven-day life', says US agency guru: Practical tips for real estate agents

2024-06-18 04:54:18.388000

Real estate mentor Fred Wilson advises UK agents to prioritize change in the economy over the economy itself when estimating the odds of long-term leads coming to fruition. Wilson emphasizes that change is the key driver in real estate sales and that plans to buy or sell can often change whimsically. He suggests that agents should focus on working with leads that have a seven-day life to increase their chances of success. Wilson explains that the permutations of change, or the variety of ways that change can occur, constantly impact the viability of long-term leads. He argues that unpredictability is a way of life in real estate sales and that agents should embrace change as a positive force that can accelerate success [eab0ae6c].

These insights from Fred Wilson provide practical guidance for real estate agents, highlighting the importance of adapting to change and focusing on short-term leads. Wilson's advice complements the 12 rules of real estate investing shared by AJ Hazzi. While Hazzi's rules focus on long-term wealth preservation and strategy, Wilson's advice emphasizes the need to be flexible and responsive to changing market conditions. By combining these perspectives, real estate agents can develop a comprehensive approach that maximizes their chances of success in a dynamic market.

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