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South Korean Authorities Emphasize the Need for Expedited Justice in Crypto-related Cases

2024-05-06 06:00:02.174000

Bitcoin's popularity continues to make waves around the world, with South Korea now entering the spotlight. In the run-up to the parliamentary election in South Korea on April 10, 2024, the South Korean People Power Party has pledged to provide access to US Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) if elected. The party aims to delay the implementation of a digital-asset tax and lift restrictions on ETFs, including those that directly hold Bitcoin. This move is seen as an effort to attract voters who are interested in cryptocurrency investments. On the other hand, the opposition Democratic Party has also promised to lift curbs on ETFs, including US products that hold tokens. These pledges from both major parties reflect the growing importance of Bitcoin ETFs in the political landscape of South Korea. [50f40a7d]

This development in South Korea follows the recent approval of Bitcoin ETFs by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The approval of Bitcoin ETFs in the US has sparked a global trend, with other countries considering their own spot Bitcoin ETFs and reevaluating regulations on the digital asset sector. South Korea's Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) is scheduled to discuss spot Bitcoin ETFs with the SEC in May, indicating the country's interest in exploring this investment vehicle. The pledges made by the South Korean People Power Party and the opposition Democratic Party further demonstrate the growing demand for Bitcoin ETFs and the potential impact they may have on the cryptocurrency market. [abd89cd2]

It is worth noting that the South Korean government has been taking steps to regulate the cryptocurrency industry in recent years. In 2021, the country implemented a real-name trading system for cryptocurrency exchanges to enhance transparency and prevent money laundering. However, the government has also recognized the potential of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and has been exploring ways to support their development. The pledges made by political parties in South Korea to lift restrictions on Bitcoin ETFs indicate a growing acceptance and recognition of the importance of cryptocurrencies in the country's financial landscape. [50f40a7d]

The outcome of the parliamentary election in South Korea will determine the future direction of cryptocurrency regulations in the country. If the South Korean People Power Party or the opposition Democratic Party, both of which have pledged to lift restrictions on Bitcoin ETFs, come into power, it could lead to a more favorable environment for cryptocurrency investments and further adoption of Bitcoin ETFs in South Korea. On the other hand, if other parties that are less supportive of cryptocurrencies come into power, it may result in a more cautious approach to cryptocurrency regulations. The election outcome will be closely watched by investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts in South Korea and around the world. [50f40a7d]

In a related development, Lee Jeong-ryeol, the head of the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors’ Office’s joint crypto investigation unit in South Korea, has emphasized the need for courts to deliver swifter justice in cases related to cryptocurrencies. The South Korean government is taking steps to combat the surge in cryptocurrency-related crimes and fraud cases by establishing a permanent virtual asset investigative unit. Lee’s team, established in July 2023, is the nation’s first and only dedicated cryptoasset investigation organization, comprising professionals from various government agencies. Lee emphasized the importance of swift investigations and trials to prevent further financial losses and aid victims in recovering their funds. The unit’s work has been crucial in tackling first-of-their-kind cases involving crypto-related crimes that push the boundaries of existing legal frameworks. Lee Jeong-ryeol’s leadership of the joint crypto investigation unit underscores the commitment of South Korean authorities to address the growing threat of crypto-related crimes and fraud. [d0ff104f]

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