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Vietnam's diplomatic victories and partnerships

2024-07-02 13:01:15.183000

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Vietnam in December 2023 and Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit in June 2024 have significant implications for the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. [c81a7668] Xi's visit aimed to strengthen the relationship between China and Vietnam and counter US efforts to expand its influence in the region. The visit highlighted the ideological and historical unity between China and Vietnam against US imperialism. [c81a7668] The two countries agreed to jointly build a 'Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.' This demonstrates their commitment to deepening cooperation and countering American hegemonist expansion. [c81a7668] The visit also focused on economic cooperation, with the signing of 37 agreements and the strengthening of trade ties between China and Vietnam. [c81a7668] By deepening economic and diplomatic ties, China and Vietnam are positioning themselves as key players in the region and challenging US dominance. [518a54f2] Vietnam's strategic balancing act between China and the US is evident as it designates both countries as important partners. [518a54f2] Despite territorial disputes in the South China Sea, Vietnam recognizes the political and economic importance of its relationship with China. [518a54f2] Vietnam has also upgraded its ties with the US to a 'comprehensive strategic partnership,' signaling its intention to cultivate closer relations with Western-aligned countries. [518a54f2] However, Vietnam remains cautious of China's territorial claims and seeks to protect its interests in the region. [518a54f2] Xi's visit to Vietnam marks a setback for US efforts to build an Asian NATO and expand its hegemony in the region. [c81a7668] The visit strengthens China's position as a regional power and demonstrates its commitment to countering American influence. [c81a7668] Putin's visit to Vietnam on June 19, 2024, follows his visit to North Korea on June 18. [17db0ec5] Vietnam and Russia have a historical relationship, and Russia's presence in Vietnam's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) provides some assurance against China's disruptive activities in the South China Sea. [17db0ec5] Vietnam practices bamboo diplomacy, engaging with various powers while preserving its autonomy. [17db0ec5] Vietnam is considered a regional middle power and maintains a non-aligned foreign policy. [17db0ec5] Putin's visit is unlikely to alter Vietnam's foreign policy calculus or strategic choices. [17db0ec5] Vietnam, one of Asia’s fastest growing economies, has upgraded relations with the US, Japan, and Australia. Russia remains a crucial partner for Hanoi. Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to Vietnam is significant, signaling support for Hanoi's potential membership aspirations in BRICS. Vietnam has displayed diplomatic agility in handling the Russia-Ukraine conflict and maintaining neutrality. Through Russia-Vietnam joint oil exploration activities, Moscow has tacitly supported Vietnam's sovereignty claims in the disputed South China Sea. China's behavior in the South China Sea remains a top concern for Vietnam. Deep divisions within Southeast Asia on the Ukraine conflict persist, but ties with Moscow are unlikely to affect intra-Asean relations. Vietnam's strategic importance is likely to shield it from serious adverse repercussions of deepening ties with Russia and China. [033716c8]

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