v0.27 🌳  

US Ambassador Visits Partnership Projects in Zgharta, North Lebanon

2024-05-09 14:54:44.663000

Ambassador Lisa A. Johnson, the US Ambassador to Lebanon, visited the Zgharta district in North Lebanon. During her visit, she met with government officials, civil society leaders, and community members involved in two USAID development projects and a U.S. Embassy funded program supporting local women's advocacy for equal rights and access to public services. Ambassador Johnson attended the opening of a new solar-powered water pumping station in Mazraat El Teffah, which was built with a $223,000 contribution from USAID and provides potable water to 2,000 local residents. She also met with project leaders and community members participating in the 'Women's Rights are Human Rights' program, which supports local women and Women-Led Organizations engaged in promoting women's rights and preventing violence against women and girls. Additionally, Ambassador Johnson visited a new vegetable nursery in Ardeh, built by the René Moawad Foundation under USAID's Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods Program. The nursery improves local farmers' access to high-quality vegetable seedlings and has supported more than 100 farmers and created five additional full-time jobs in Ardeh. Ambassador Johnson emphasized the importance of the U.S. Government's partnership with Lebanon to support projects across the country. [065ed5a0]

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