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Spotify Launches Creative Lab, a New In-House Creative Agency

2024-06-14 06:31:44.279000
[num] Adgully

In a recent announcement, Spotify revealed the launch of its new in-house creative agency called Creative Lab. The agency will collaborate with brands and agencies in 11 markets, including India, the US, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Australia, the UK, Germany, France, and Italy. The local Creative Lab teams will provide insights and work together with brands and agencies to develop campaigns. Notably, brands such as The Coca-Cola Company and Royal Enfield are already utilizing Creative Lab in India. Spotify aims to leverage the platform's potential to assist advertisers in reaching its highly engaged audience.

This development adds another dimension to Spotify's operations, showcasing the company's commitment to expanding its services beyond music streaming. By establishing an in-house creative agency, Spotify aims to provide a comprehensive solution for brands and agencies to connect with its user base and create impactful campaigns. With its global presence and extensive user reach, Spotify's Creative Lab has the potential to shape the advertising landscape in the markets it operates in.

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