v0.11 🌳  

President Biden Faces Calls to Apologize to Volunteers of the Mavi Marmara Flotilla

2024-03-11 05:36:15.652000

President Joe Biden is facing calls to apologize to the volunteers of the Mavi Marmara flotilla, the first aid flotilla to Gaza, following an article by Juan Cole on Informed Comment. The article highlights the case of Furkan DoÄŸan, an American citizen who was killed by Israeli commandos in 2010 while documenting their attack on the aid ship. The volunteers on the flotilla were attempting to bring food and medical aid to Gaza. The UN Human Rights Council deemed the attack on the aid ships 'clearly unlawful.' The article argues that Biden's decision to send a US Navy flotilla to Gaza implies that DoÄŸan's actions were justified and that his intervention is seen as too little, too late [af5cad57].

The article also criticizes Israel's blockade on Gaza, which has caused food insecurity and malnutrition among the population. It suggests that Biden's intervention should have come earlier to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the region [af5cad57].

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