v0.31 🌳  

Russian Occupation Officials Threaten to Take Newborns from Parents in Luhansk for Lack of Russian Citizenship

2024-05-29 10:44:58.039000

Russian occupation officials in the Luhansk region of Ukraine are threatening to take newborns from their mothers if neither parent can prove Russian citizenship. In the temporarily occupied Luhansk region, collaborators are committing blatant human rights violations by intimidating women in labor. On the eve of childbirth, women in the so-called 'LPR' can still be hospitalized in some cases without a Russian passport. However, when they are discharged, it is mandatory to check whether one of the parents has Russian documents. If they do not, local collaborators threaten not to hand over the child. These actions are considered a violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, specifically Article II(d), which defines genocide as 'imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.' The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has labeled Russia's actions as genocide. The Centre of National Resistance calls on all international organizations to condemn yet another violation of international law and unprecedented human rights violations by the aggressor. These egregious crimes must be stopped and punished. [ace2152e] [5e5ba6d1]

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