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Increasing Enrollment of Indian Students in US Universities and Challenges Faced by International Graduates in Staying in the US: A Comparison with Canada as a Preferred Migration Destination

2024-07-05 19:57:12.439000

International students from India continue to favor the United States as their top destination for overseas education, with expectations of increased student visa applications in 2024. In 2023, India issued 140,000 student visas, and the number of Indian students in the US surged by 35 percent to reach a record 268,923, constituting over 25 percent of the international student population in the country. The fields of study popular among Indian students include mathematics, computer science, business administration, and management [67245f7c].

Despite the appeal of studying in the US, international students, including those from India, are concerned about the uncertain job market, particularly in the technology sector. Tech companies like Amazon and Google have significantly reduced their workforce, resulting in 54,000 tech workers losing their jobs in 2024 alone. This has created intense competition for jobs among international students, who now have to compete with experienced workers and those with work permission in the US. Aniket Bhatt, an Indian student studying business analytics, is worried about the large number of Indian students who may have to return to India if they cannot find jobs in the US. The Open Doors report states that there are currently 268,000 Indian students in the US. Bhatt hopes to work in the US under the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, which allows students to stay for three years after completing their studies. However, the number of students under OPT has also dropped in recent years. Bhatt's ultimate goal is to find a company that will sponsor him for an H-1B visa, but he acknowledges the intense competition and the possibility of having to return to India or find a job in another country. The article highlights that there is no official guarantee for students to remain in the US after completing OPT. The American Council on Education has expressed concerns about skilled students choosing other countries like Canada and Great Britain for their studies due to better work opportunities [0be4b459].

The US embassy has warned students against bringing any fake documents to the interview and encourages students to use EducationUSA's free advising services to find the best school and obtain accurate information on admissions and visa processes. Most Indian students attended universities in Texas, New York, California, Massachusetts, and Illinois [67245f7c].

Recent reforms in visa processes and expanding Optional Practical Training (OPT) recognize the economic and cultural benefits of international students. The U.S. must proactively enhance its appeal to international students by addressing visa challenges and improving accessibility. Consistent and supportive policy frameworks are imperative to sustain the competitive edge over other attractive destinations. Adapting policies to welcome and retain international scholars is essential for the enduring health of U.S. higher education and its economy [c5dc52ba].

To address the issue of retaining international graduates, the United States needs new visa pathways. Skilled immigration pathways into the United States are currently too small relative to the size of the economy. Expanding these visa programs and creating more pathways for skilled workers to stay and work in the United States would allow the country to take full advantage of the demand to study at domestic universities and retain talented new graduates [7c7061e7].

Canada has become the most desired migration destination worldwide, attracting over 1.5 million relocation searches. Australia follows closely, valued for its pleasant climate and excellent public services. Portugal and Japan ranked sixth and seventh respectively, while wealthy European countries like Germany, France, and Switzerland completed the top 10 list. The United States did not rank among the top choices for relocation. Canada is highly preferred for its stunning scenery and good standard of living, attracting over 1.5 million online searches for relocation information last year. Australia attracts immigrants due to its pleasant climate, friendly people, and well-rated public services like healthcare and education, with over 1.2 million relocation searches [df297ad8].

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