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Canadian Fund Managers, Desjardins Securities, and La Presse Experts Share Top Picks and Portfolio Advice for 2024

2024-04-14 11:22:35.231000

Nine Canadian fund managers, Desjardins Securities, and experts from La Presse have provided their top picks and portfolio advice for 2024. The managers reflect on the performance of their previous year's picks and offer insights into the market outlook for the coming year. Denis Taillefer of Caldwell Investment Management believes the market can achieve high single-digit returns in 2024 and advises diversifying across sectors. His top pick for 2024 is Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Craig Jerusalim of CIBC Asset Management recommends staying fully invested in a well-diversified, balanced portfolio of high-quality, growing companies. His top pick for 2024 is Trisura Group Ltd. Stephen Takacsy of Lester Asset Management suggests investing in high-yielding fixed-income securities and defensive dividend stocks, as well as undervalued small and mid-cap stocks. His top pick for 2024 is an actively managed portfolio of high-yielding fixed-income securities. Kim Shannon of Sionna Investment Managers recommends Canadian value stocks for 2024 and maintains conviction in Magna International Inc. François Bourdon of Nordis Capital advises focusing on stable sectors such as grocery stores, utilities, and healthcare. His top pick for 2024 is an investment in carbon credits through the KraneShares California Carbon Allowance ETF. Jason Del Vicario and Steven Chen of Hillside Wealth | iA Private Wealth Inc. recommend holding a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses acquired at favorable prices. Their top pick for 2024 is CLX Communications. Christine Poole of GlobeInvest Capital Management suggests staying invested in a portfolio asset mix that meets individual risk tolerance and return objectives. Her top pick for 2024 is Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Anish Chopra of Portfolio Management Corp. advises adopting a long-term investment approach and diversifying between equities and fixed income. His top pick for 2024 is Emera Inc. Ken O'Kennedy of Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel recommends investing in high-quality companies with favorable industry structures and competitive advantages. His top pick for 2024 is Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). Brian Madden, chief investment officer at First Avenue Investment Counsel, recommends Tourmaline Oil, Home Depot, and Marsh & McLennan Companies as top picks for 2024. Desjardins Securities has also revealed its top stock picks for Canadian investors in 2024, covering various sectors including consumer staples, diversified industries, banks, industrials, metals and mining, and telecom, media, and tech. The experts from La Presse reflect on the first quarter of 2024, highlighting the strong performance of the American economy and the stock market, as well as the upward pressure on bond yields. They adjust their asset allocation for the second quarter, with a focus on Canadian and American stocks. Overall, they expect the US economy to remain strong and anticipate another good quarter in the stock markets, albeit at a slower pace [8f7a5e7e].

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