Trump Claims RFK Jr. and Running Mate Nicole Shanahan Could Face Indictments for Environmental Fraud

2024-03-27 22:45:00.835000

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has chosen tech attorney Nicole Shanahan as his running mate for his independent presidential campaign. Kennedy made the announcement at a campaign event in Oakland, California, where he described Shanahan as a brilliant scientist, technologist, and fierce warrior mom. Shanahan, the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, brings financial resources and connections in the tech industry to the campaign. Kennedy's campaign has raised over $27 million and he is backed by 15% of registered voters, according to a recent poll [5dfdc74b].

Shanahan, a Bay Area lawyer with strong connections to Silicon Valley, has previously supported Democrats and donated $25,000 in 2020 to support President Biden. Some supporters believe that Shanahan's selection could help broaden Kennedy's appeal, particularly among younger voters and women [020700c4].

Kennedy, who has switched his affiliation to independent, has faced criticism for embracing medical misinformation and spreading unfounded claims about vaccine safety and effectiveness. His third-party bid has raised concerns among Democrats, who worry that it could draw support away from President Biden in the general election. Despite the criticism, Kennedy has remained determined to get his name on every state's ballot and has been actively seeking potential vice-presidential contenders [020700c4].

The addition of Nicole Shanahan to the ticket brings a new dynamic to Kennedy's campaign. With her background in tech and ties to Silicon Valley, Shanahan may help attract support from voters who are interested in technology and innovation. However, Kennedy's controversial stance on vaccines and his affiliation with the anti-vaccine movement continue to be points of concern for many [020700c4].

Nicole Shanahan, a Silicon Valley lawyer, philanthropist, and political donor, has been announced as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate for his independent presidential bid. Shanahan, 38, is best known for being the former wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. They married in 2018 and filed for divorce in January 2022. She is the founder of the Bia-Echo Foundation and has worked on innovation, reproductive longevity, equality, and criminal justice reform. Shanahan is also an academic fellow of CodeX, the Stanford Center of Legal Informatics. In 2023, she held a commitment ceremony with her partner Jacob Strumwasser. Shanahan has donated to Democratic presidential campaigns in the past and has expressed concerns about the environment, vaccines, and children's health. Kennedy, who switched from a Democratic run to an Independent ticket, is considered a long shot for the White House [dfa55a76].

In a recent development, former President Donald Trump has made a bombshell claim about Kennedy and Shanahan. Trump commented on Shanahan's political stance, labeling her as even more liberal than Kennedy. He portrayed Kennedy as a radical left candidate and criticized his support for initiatives like the Green New Deal. Trump suggested that Kennedy's candidacy might draw votes away from President Joe Biden, benefiting the MAGA agenda. Additionally, Trump hinted at potential legal troubles for Kennedy and Shanahan, predicting indictments for environmental fraud [9132f5f6].

It remains to be seen how these allegations will impact Kennedy's campaign and the public's perception of him and Shanahan. As the race for the presidency continues, the focus will be on how Kennedy and Shanahan address these claims and whether they can maintain their support among voters [9132f5f6].

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