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South Korean Kdrama 'The Midnight Romance in Hagwon' Sheds Light on the Country's Private Education System

2024-06-23 21:43:05.064000
[num] Forbes

In a unique Kdrama series titled 'The Midnight Romance in Hagwon', currently airing in South Korea, the focus is on the country's private education system [1f115f98]. The drama, co-produced by Studio Dragon and JS Pictures, stars Jung Ryeo-won as Seo Hye-jin, a top instructor at Daechi Chase Academy, and Wi Ha-joon as Lee Jun-ho, a former student who becomes a new instructor [1f115f98]. The series delves into the politics and drama within the hagwon industry, sparking a national conversation about South Korea's hagwon ecosystem [1f115f98].

Hagwons are private, for-profit academies in South Korea that offer intensive instruction in various subjects. With over 24,000 hagwons in Seoul alone, about 78% of Korean students attend at least one [1f115f98]. The most popular subjects at hagwons are English, math, and Korean, as many students attend these academies to prepare for the suneung, South Korea's nationwide college entrance exam [1f115f98].

The show is set in Daechi-dong, a wealthy neighborhood known as the 'mecca for private education' due to its high concentration of hagwons [1f115f98]. South Korean parents spend a significant amount on their children's private education, making the country the most expensive place to raise a child. On average, parents spend 434,000 won (about $312) per month on private education per student [1f115f98]. The drama highlights the high salaries of top hagwon instructors, who can earn between $10 million and $22 million per year [1f115f98].

The series also sheds light on the societal pressure and competitive nature of South Korean society, which leads many students to continue attending hagwons [1f115f98]. Additionally, it includes interesting cultural details such as the common practice of women changing into more comfortable shoes at the office and the use of an American band called The Restless Age for the soundtrack [1f115f98].

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