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Himachal Pradesh Aims to Lead in Reducing Fossil Fuels and Promoting Sustainable Transportation Arunachal Pradesh Governor KT Parnaik Appeals for Participation in Earth Hour Initiative

2024-03-23 03:47:46.586000

Himachal Pradesh, a state in India, is taking significant steps towards reducing fossil fuels and promoting sustainable transportation. Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced the launch of 19 electric vehicles in the Transport Department, which has resulted in savings of Rs 28 lakh in the state exchequer in just one year. The state aims to reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels and become a frontrunner in sustainable transportation. The government is committed to fostering sustainability in transportation operations and curbing air pollution. To strengthen the infrastructure for green mobility, six green corridors will be completed by the end of the current financial year [e48878e5].

In a separate initiative, Arunachal Pradesh Governor KT Parnaik has appealed to the people of the state to participate in the 'Earth Hour' initiative. Earth Hour is a global event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature, which encourages individuals and communities to turn off non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol of their commitment to the planet. Governor Parnaik emphasized the importance of taking concrete actions to reduce carbon footprint and promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and conservation efforts. He called for innovation and creativity in finding sustainable solutions to environmental challenges and urged citizens to adopt clean technologies and eco-friendly lifestyles for a more resilient and sustainable future [e04742e7].

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