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Recoiling oil and dollar sow calm as tech earnings loom

2024-04-18 10:18:31.247000

A sharp retreat in oil prices and a rare joint warning from major economies against excessive dollar strength have helped calm restive markets just as Big Tech earnings start to hit. Despite the Middle East tensions and punchy U.S. economic readouts, U.S. crude prices turned tail and have now recoiled some 6.5% from Friday's 2024 highs to levels last seen before Israel's attack on Iran's Syrian consulate on April 1. Surging U.S. crude inventories, poor economic numbers from China for March and a U.S. warning about releasing more of its Strategic Petroleum Reserve if necessary have all reined in oil. The dollar, similarly, has come off the boil - partly after a warning shot from Japan, South Korea and the United States about potentially destabilising currency moves in Asia. The steadier bond and currency complex helped soothe edgy stock markets around the world as first quarter corporate earnings stream in and attention switches to major tech sector updates. [eb649b4c]

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