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UAE Delivers Joint Climate and Human Rights Statement at UNHRC

2024-07-06 13:22:41.634000

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has delivered a joint statement on behalf of more than 69 countries at the 56th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. The statement focused on the adverse impacts of climate change on human rights. Khalifa Almazrouei, Counsellor at the UAE mission in Geneva, highlighted the effects of climate change on all economic sectors and stressed the importance of addressing the disproportionate impacts on vulnerable individuals. The statement called on member states to ensure the respect, promotion, and protection of human rights in climate policies and programs. It also commended the establishment of the loss and damage fund and celebrated the success of the UAE's Presidency of COP28. Almazrouei reaffirmed the countries' commitment to engaging with stakeholders and partners to achieve common goals [76261de4] [7061a6db].

The joint statement delivered by the UAE at the Human Rights Council emphasizes the intersection between climate change and human rights. It highlights the need for countries to prioritize the protection of human rights in their climate policies and programs, particularly for vulnerable individuals who are disproportionately affected by climate change. The statement also recognizes the establishment of the loss and damage fund and acknowledges the UAE's role as the host country for COP28 [76261de4].

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