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Cybersec Netherlands 2023, Black Hat Europe 2023, and Digital Trust Center Launch Cybersecurity Initiatives, CloudDefense.AI Announces a New Edition of Cloud Security Thirsty Thursdays

2024-06-21 17:43:43.806000

Cybersec Netherlands 2023, a cybersecurity event in Utrecht, aims to prioritize cybersecurity in the boardroom and provide knowledge and solutions to combat cybercrime. The event will address recent hacks and feature speakers such as Dave Maasland and Peter Zinn. The focus will be on themes like cybersecurity strategy, human firewall, hybrid IT security, and identity & access management. The event also highlights the collaboration between Cybersec Netherlands and the Hague Security Delta (HSD) to make the Netherlands digitally safer. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity and the potential risks associated with it will also be discussed. The event will provide practical information and tools to combat online fraud, with the police emphasizing the importance of citizen involvement. Cybersec Netherlands is the first of many local editions following the success of Cybersec Europe in Brussels.

In addition to the event, the Digital Trust Center (DTC) has launched an online forum for entrepreneurs to share cybersecurity knowledge. The forum serves as an extension of vulnerability reporting and provides information on necessary measures. With over 2500 members, including IT professionals and CISOs, the forum aims to facilitate collaboration and support in the field of cybersecurity.

Black Hat Europe 2023 concluded with keynote speakers discussing cybersecurity insights and industry trends. Ollie Whitehouse, CTO of the U.K. National Cyber Security Centre, emphasized the need for organizations to adopt unexpected approaches to stump attackers and eliminate the costs of shoring up cyber defenses. He called for cybersecurity vendors to remove upcharges and treat security as a standard feature. Joe Sullivan, CEO of Ukraine Friend, highlighted the importance of transparency in cybersecurity, drawing from his experience with the Federal Trade Commission's case against him. Sullivan believes that regulatory changes can incentivize security leadership roles. Researchers from Cornell University presented findings on the possibility of indirect injection attacks using images and sounds in multi-modal large language models. Ankit Gangwal, an assistant professor, and his students discovered a security issue with password managers on Android devices that could leak user credentials. Black Hat Europe 2023 was followed by the Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 virtual event, and upcoming events include Black Hat Spring Trainings in Washington, D.C., and Black Hat Asia in Singapore.

These initiatives demonstrate the growing importance of cybersecurity and the efforts being made to enhance digital security in the Netherlands.

CloudDefense.AI is bringing a new edition of Cloud Security Thirsty Thursdays on July 11th, 2024. The event will take place at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA and will feature two distinguished speakers: Prashant Venkatesh, Manager of Product Security at Poshmark, and Girish Bhat, CMO/VP of Marketing at a leading data and security startup. Prashant Venkatesh will discuss the implications and strategies for product security teams navigating the new PCI 4.0 standards, while Girish Bhat will explore the current landscape and advancements in generative AI applications for cybersecurity. The event will begin with a half-hour of mingling, followed by welcome messages from key members of the CloudDefense.AI team. Prashant Venkatesh's talk will start at 6:10 PM, followed by Girish Bhat's session at 6:50 PM. Cloud Security Thirsty Thursdays is an ongoing monthly event organized by CloudDefense.AI to promote continuous learning and professional growth in the cloud security sector.

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