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FSD Pharma Inc (HUGE) Stock Receives Mixed Rating and Shows Modest Gain

2024-03-28 03:31:59.292000

FSD Pharma Inc (HUGE) received an overall rating of 21, which means that it scores higher than 21% of stocks. Additionally, FSD Pharma Inc scored a 8 in the Healthcare sector, ranking it higher than 8% of stocks in that sector. The stock is trading at $0.71 as of 12:36 PM on Wednesday, Mar 27, an increase of $0.01, or 0.83% from the previous closing price of $0.70. The stock has traded between $0.68 and $0.72 so far today. Volume today is light with 92,373 shares traded compared to average volume of 218,017 shares. [cb8c8f8a]

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