v0.06 🌳  

Afghans Struggle to Afford Firewood in Winter Amid Economic Hardships and Sanctions

2023-11-19 02:03:38.576000
[num] Xinhua [num] Xinhua

As winter approaches in Afghanistan, residents are facing difficulties in affording firewood to keep their homes warm. The price of firewood has increased compared to last year, making it even more challenging for people to meet their heating needs. The economic hardships in the country, including sanctions and frozen assets, have contributed to the financial struggles. The freezing of Afghanistan's central bank assets by the United States has had a significant impact on the economy. Many Afghans rely on traditional firewood stoves for heating as central heating systems are rare. The difficult economic situation has left many people with limited income and struggling to afford basic necessities. [02863e8c] [43e823d6]

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