v0.01 🌳  

House Committee Hearings Cover Wide Range of Topics

2023-10-20 17:22:00.880000

The House Armed Services Committee received a briefing on the situation in Israel and discussed military compensation. Other hearings covered topics such as the Department of Defense's Replicator program, fiscal issues, explicit content in school libraries, artificial intelligence, EPA proposals, Medicare proposals, energy future, Federal Reserve transparency, CFPB guidance, Iranian funding, Russian sovereign assets, aviation security, Uyghur forced labor, intelligence briefing, technology and strategic competition with China, offshore leasing program, conservation efforts, border crisis, COFA renewal, biosafety and biosecurity, risk management of artificial intelligence, Chinese venture capital firms, Tibetan repression, DOL rulemaking, Highway Trust Fund, regional economic development programs, improper payments, and pandemic fraud. [0a4f495a]

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