v0.01 🌳  

Germany Affirms Israel's Right to Defend Itself Against Hamas

2024-01-11 13:19:24.721000

National security adviser Jake Sullivan defends Israel's campaign against Hamas, stating that Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist attacks. He warns that a pause in fighting would benefit Hamas and emphasizes the need to distinguish between Hamas and the Palestinian people. [4fb22671]

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan accuses Hamas of preventing American citizens and foreign nationals from leaving Gaza as Israel continues its bombardment. Sullivan states that Egypt and Israel are willing to allow their departure, but Hamas is making demands. The US is working to find a way out for the estimated 600 American citizens in Gaza. [0af94583]

German Vice Chancellor Dr. Robert Habeck affirms Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas during a joint press conference with Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat in Jerusalem. Habeck criticizes the International Court of Justice in The Hague for its perceived bias against Israel and expresses concern over the rise of anti-Israel sentiment. Germany provides unwavering support for Israel's right to self-defense and stands united with Israel in safeguarding its citizens' lives. The statement comes in the context of the ongoing Israel-Hamas War in 2024. [b215c501]

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