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NASA Shares Breathtaking Images of Planets, Including Jupiter's Storms and Ganymede

2024-07-02 02:46:50.478000
[num] HT Tech

NASA has shared five breathtaking images of planets, including Jupiter's giant storms, Ganymede, and more [b1a4e27e]. The images showcase the beauty and wonder of our solar system, captured through NASA's exploration. One of the images provides a close-up view of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a massive storm that is larger than Earth. Another image features Ganymede, the largest moon in our solar system, which is even bigger than Pluto. The images also include a stunning picture of Jupiter's south pole, with swirling clouds in a mix of blues, oranges, and tans. Additionally, there is an image of Earth from space, showing Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. The last image displays Jupiter's colorful clouds and bands, with the shadow of Ganymede visible. These breathtaking images offer a glimpse into the incredible sights that NASA has discovered through its exploration of our solar system [b1a4e27e].

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