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Bowlus, a High-End RV Company, Thrives Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

2024-03-18 20:20:32.238000

The luxury RV market has seen a decline in sales during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Bowlus, a high-end RV company based in Oxnard, California, has been able to thrive and maintain strong sales. Unlike many other RV manufacturers, Bowlus has been able to sell every trailer it produces, thanks to its appeal to wealthy Americans who continue to spend heavily on cars, houses, and travel. The company's top-end model, priced at $310,000, has attracted customers with its distinctive 1930s design, minimalist interior, and high-quality craftsmanship. Bowlus trailers are built using monocoque construction, which makes them lightweight yet strong. Bowlus plans to expand its production by offering a lower-priced version and selling through dealers for the first time. The company aims to make 100 trailers this year and continue expanding while maintaining its commitment to quality [0ba7cf84] [42b17e04] [028327ac].

The luxury RV market's decline in sales during the pandemic has been attributed to the economic uncertainty and travel restrictions. However, Bowlus has been able to capitalize on the demand for unique and high-end travel experiences. The company's success can be attributed to its strategic approach of not overproducing during the pandemic and its ability to cater to the preferences of wealthy individuals. Bowlus' expansion plans and the introduction of a lower-priced version indicate the company's confidence in the continued demand for luxury RVs [0ba7cf84] [42b17e04]. The Bowlus trailer was initially designed during the Great Depression and was revived by Geneva Long's family in 2014. Bowlus has trademarked its iconic shape. Other high-end RV manufacturers include Aero Build and Pebble. Bowlus has seen interest from customers through Lazydays RV dealership [b1c56afc].

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