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Japanese Consortium Unveils World's First 6G Device with 20x Faster Speed than 5G

2024-07-04 04:57:25.434000

A Japanese consortium has introduced the prototype of the world’s first high-speed 6G device, which can transfer data at 100 Gbps and cover more than 300 feet. The device is 20x faster than 5G. The 6G device uses the 100 GHz band indoors and the 300 GHz band outdoors. 5G technology has a theoretical maximum speed of 10 Gbps, but real-world speeds are much lower. 6G uses higher frequency bands, making it difficult for 6G devices to receive the necessary frequencies for faster downloads. The 6G device is still in the prototype stage and will require new generation phones with built-in 6G antennas. 6G networks could enable real-time holographic communication and immersive virtual and mixed-reality experiences. [dd930128]

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released a report on the economic operation of the communications industry in the first five months of 2024. The total number of 5G base stations in China reached 3.837 million by the end of May, representing a net increase of 460,000 from the previous year. This accounts for 32.4% of the total number of mobile base stations, with a 0.7 percentage point increase compared to the first four months of the year.

Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has set a new world record internet transmission speed of 402 Tb/s. The record was achieved using commercially available optical cabling and by constructing the first optical transmission system covering all the transmission bands of the low-loss window of standard optical fibers. The technology is expected to improve the optical communication infrastructure as data services continue to increase in demand. The transmission bandwidth theoretically allows for the download of approximately 12,500 full-length movies in a second. [1cfc9c0d]

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