v0.11 🌳  

Workers Unite at the CBTU Convention to Fight for Rights and a New Economy

2024-05-31 16:53:08.053000

Workers from various industries gathered at the Coalition Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) 53rd International Convention in Houston to discuss the challenges they face and the need for unity [d7f764f5]. Dante Harris, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA), emphasized the CBTU's mission to unite the entire working class and fight for their rights [d7f764f5].

One of the key topics at the convention was the campaign by three trade unions - the Teamsters, AFA-CWA, and the Machinists Union - to organize all 50,000 workers at Delta Airlines [d7f764f5]. The Machinists Union has faced significant setbacks, including the loss of union contracts, pensions, and job security after the merger with Northwest Airlines in 2008 [d7f764f5]. The unions are determined to restore workers' rights and improve working conditions at Delta Airlines [d7f764f5].

The convention also featured interviews with other labor leaders. Marcus Shepherd, Director of Organizing for the Chicago Federation of Labor, discussed the impact of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on the building trades [d7f764f5]. Ezra Knight, National Vice President and President of New York SAG-AFTRA, emphasized the importance of unity to win the 2023 strike by screenwriters, actors, and television workers [d7f764f5]. Nancy Hagans, President of the National Nurses Union (NNU), addressed the threat of AI in the healthcare field [d7f764f5].

Overall, the convention highlighted the need for workers to unite and fight for their rights and a new economy [d7f764f5]. It emphasized the importance of solidarity and collective action in achieving meaningful change [d7f764f5].

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