v0.39 🌳  

Xi Jinping's Russian Lessons and the Complex China-Russia Relationship

2024-06-24 08:46:47.519000

Tucker Carlson's interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has sparked mixed reactions among mainland scholars in China. Putin's comments about China during the interview have generated conflicting interpretations and emotions. While some scholars feel anxious but intrigued by the mention of China, others are irritated by Putin's remarks. The interview, which was watched by millions in China, received positive reactions from the public and strategic affairs experts. Despite the mixed responses, Putin enjoys significant popularity in China, with many Chinese people admiring him as a strong leader who stands up to the West. The reactions in China highlight the complex relationship between China and Russia. Some Chinese observers believe that Putin's remarks about China were intended to convey the growing strength of China to the Western political elite. However, there are also suspicions in China about Moscow's commitment to the Russia-China friendship. Overall, the reactions in China reflect the ongoing debate and uncertainty about the future of China-Russia relations.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongxun, had a career that mirrored the relationship between Beijing and Moscow in the 20th century. Xi believes that the current relationship between China and Russia is stronger than it was in the past. The alliance between the two countries is based on conservative, anti-Western, and statist attitudes rather than communist ideology. The personal connection between Xi and Putin is a feature of the strategic partnership. The history of Sino-Soviet relations shows the dangers of both intimacy and enmity. The current partnership between China and Russia is more flexible and allows for greater cooperation while avoiding the sacrifices required by a formal alliance. The relationship is not without challenges, but ideological and personal issues no longer make them insurmountable. The United States can shape China's calculus and limit Russia's support, but the Chinese-Russian relationship is likely to remain sturdy and avoid the danger of intimacy. [28e2158e] [6668a7ec]

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