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Ulises Jaitt Expresses Indignation at Justice's Decision to Close Case for Death of Natacha Jaitt; The Interviews That Destroyed Jodi Arias' Chance At Freedom

2024-03-31 15:29:31.125000

Ulises Jaitt, brother of the late Natacha Jaitt, has expressed his indignation at the recent decision by the Justice of San Isidro to close the case for her death. Natacha Jaitt, an Argentine media personality, was found dead in February 2019. Ulises Jaitt believes that his sister was murdered and accuses the judicial department of San Isidro of corruption. He claims that they have been mistreating him for the past five years in relation to Natacha's case. Ulises presented six witnesses to testify in court, but they were not called upon. He firmly believes that the justice system in San Isidro has once again caused the death of Natacha. Antonella Olivera, Natacha's daughter, also expressed dissatisfaction with the decision and believes that it was closed for political interests. The Justice resolution states that no evidence was found to support a criminal hypothesis regarding Natacha's death and that the cause of death was recent cocaine use and previous chronic cardiac deterioration [803d5c70].

The recent decision by the Justice of San Isidro to close the case for the death of Natacha Jaitt has sparked outrage and disbelief from her brother, Ulises Jaitt. Natacha Jaitt, a well-known media personality in Argentina, was found dead in February 2019. Ulises firmly believes that his sister was murdered and has accused the judicial department of San Isidro of corruption. He claims that he has been facing mistreatment for the past five years in relation to Natacha's case. Despite presenting six witnesses to testify in court, none of them were called upon. Ulises is convinced that the justice system in San Isidro is responsible for causing Natacha's death once again. Antonella Olivera, Natacha's daughter, shares Ulises' dissatisfaction with the decision and believes that it was closed for political reasons. The Justice resolution states that there was no evidence to support a criminal hypothesis regarding Natacha's death and attributes the cause of death to recent cocaine use and previous chronic cardiac deterioration [803d5c70].

In a separate case, Jodi Arias was arrested for the murder of Travis Alexander in 2008. Arias gave interviews to 'Inside Edition' and '48 Hours' claiming innocence and providing various versions of events. However, her interviews were played in court and showed inconsistencies in her story. Arias later admitted to killing Alexander in self-defense but struggled to keep her story straight. The prosecution used her changing story to weaken her defense. Expert witnesses for the defense were also questioned. Arias was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison [b8455945].

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