v0.08 🌳  

Australia's New Age Discrimination Commissioner Aims to Combat Ageism and Discrimination

2024-04-01 21:32:00.452000

Australia's new Age Discrimination Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald AM, has commenced in his role with the immediate and long-term priorities of eliminating ageism and age discrimination in Australian workplaces and in the health and social service sectors, improving protections against the abuse of older persons, and harmonizing Australia's anti-discrimination laws [16672dd8]. Fitzgerald emphasizes the need for a nationally consistent approach to empower older people and ensure their wellbeing and safety. He aims to address the intersecting needs of the ageing population and calls for a rethinking of the approach to older people across all sectors. Fitzgerald previously served as the NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner, Australian Productivity Commissioner, NSW Community and Disability Services Commissioner, and Deputy Ombudsman. The Age Discrimination Commissioner is responsible for addressing barriers to equality and participation caused by age discrimination and protecting Australians of all ages from discrimination on the basis of age in various areas. Fitzgerald highlights the importance of meeting the intersecting needs of older people, including those related to race, disability, and sex, and expresses his commitment to working with stakeholders to champion the rights of all Australians.

In light of these developments, the appointment of Robert Fitzgerald as Australia's new Age Discrimination Commissioner brings renewed focus and attention to the issue of age discrimination in the country. With his extensive experience in various roles related to aging and disability, Fitzgerald is well-equipped to tackle the challenges faced by older individuals and work towards a more inclusive society. His immediate priorities of eliminating ageism and age discrimination in workplaces and the health and social service sectors align with the broader goal of creating equal opportunities and protections for older Australians. By harmonizing anti-discrimination laws and addressing the intersecting needs of the ageing population, Fitzgerald aims to empower older people and ensure their wellbeing and safety. This appointment underscores the commitment of the Australian government to combat ageism and discrimination and promote the rights of all Australians, regardless of age [16672dd8].

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