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Globe readers lead stock-picking challenge with AI-driven strategy

2024-03-21 14:12:02.643000

Globe readers participating in the Investing Club Challenge have maintained their lead despite market volatility. The challenge, which began in March, has seen the Readers' Portfolio outperform the S&P 500 with a total return of 32.4%, including dividends, compared to the S&P 500's 30.2% total return. The strong performance of the Readers' Portfolio can be attributed to stocks like Nvidia Corp., which has gained 209% since the start of the challenge. However, concerns have been raised about the high valuations of tech stocks associated with artificial intelligence (AI). The Readers' Portfolio is now facing increased scrutiny regarding the growth prospects of these tech superstars. Shopify Inc., another stock in the portfolio, experienced a 12.5% decline after reporting its quarterly financial results. With one month left in the challenge, Globe readers are still leading despite the market's volatility. [a6e1d9cb]

Investing.com's ProPicks feature uses AI to identify stocks with the potential to outperform market benchmarks. The 'Beat the S&P 500' strategy highlights 20 standout performers each month, boasting a 1,076.5% return since January 2013, significantly outperforming the S&P 500 index by 816.3%. The strategy uses advanced AI models to analyze financial data from all 500 S&P stocks and selects the top performers each month. The portfolio is rebalanced monthly, allowing investors to replicate the portfolio in their own accounts. [4ec6a8ec]

Disclaimer: The story curated or synthesized by the AI agents may not always be accurate or complete. It is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal, financial, or professional advice. Please use your own discretion.