v0.03 🌳  

Sri Lanka Benefits from Bangladesh's Support and Calls for Regional Cooperation: Central Bank Governor

2023-11-26 01:36:37.868000

The Central Bank Governor of Sri Lanka, P. Nandalal Weerasinghe, highlighted the significant benefits Sri Lanka has received from the support of SAARC countries, particularly Bangladesh and India. Weerasinghe emphasized the importance of financial cooperation and long-term investment flows in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by Sri Lanka. He also discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy and stressed the need for regional cooperation and strategies to sustain South Asia's economic growth. Intra-regional trade within the SAARC region has been steadily growing, and there are agreements such as the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation and the Indian Ocean Rim Association to enhance regional economic partnership. The SAARC Agreement on Trade in Service is also being negotiated to cover the services sector in the region. [a2dfa08c]

The article from The Sunday Guardian discusses the relationship between India and Bangladesh, focusing on the potential for improved cooperation and addressing past challenges. It highlights the importance of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the need for India to actively participate in the platform. The article also mentions the specific issues between India and Bangladesh, such as water sharing and border disputes, and suggests measures to strengthen the relationship, including appointing senior diplomats as envoys and establishing an independent minister for neighboring nations. It emphasizes the recent positive actions taken by the leaders of both countries, such as completing infrastructure projects and increasing bilateral trade. The article acknowledges Bangladesh's economic growth and achievements, but also highlights the challenges it faces, including poverty, limited access to healthcare and education, and vulnerability to natural disasters. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of closer bonds between India and Bangladesh, and the need for enhanced cooperation to counter Chinese influence and promote stability and prosperity in both nations. [79aa84cb]

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