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Italy's Economic Crisis Deepens as Government Struggles to Find Solutions

2024-06-16 18:58:40.923000

German factory orders rebounded partially in August, a sign that the country’s crucial manufacturing sector may be stabilizing as it suffers from a global economic slowdown and higher interest rates [2a5a8c90]. Demand increased 3.9%, surpassing economists' expectations. Germany’s economy, which has been the euro zone’s weakest link, is projected to shrink this year due to waning demand for goods and services. In August, exports dropped by 1.2%, more than anticipated. German manufacturers are also grappling with challenges such as the war in Ukraine, an aging workforce, and dependence on China. However, there is an opportunity for the German economy to regain its technological leadership through the green transition. The country's long-term potential growth will depend on how it addresses its structural challenges [2a5a8c90].

Italy's economy stagnated in the third quarter, falling short of expectations and narrowly avoiding a technical recession [2f716670]. The manufacturing sector in Italy has also experienced its fifth consecutive month of contraction, with weak domestic demand being cited as a contributing factor. The August manufacturing PMI index came in at 45.4, below the 50 mark that separates growth from contraction. This decline follows a strong start to the year for Italy's economy, which has been the slowest in the euro zone. The Italian government's commitment to reducing the deficit leaves little room for stimulus measures. Italian think tank Prometeia described the Italian economy as going through a stagnation phase, but not a full-blown recession. If GDP remains flat for the rest of the year, full-year growth would be 0.7% compared to 2022 [2f716670].

Germany is facing economic challenges, but Italy's fading growth also indicates a long road to economic health for Europe. The global economic slowdown and other external factors continue to impact both countries, and their ability to navigate through these challenges will determine their long-term economic outlooks. One way to achieve a better road to recovery is for Italy and Europe to make a success of pandemic recovery funds designed to heal the scars of Covid and invest in the future. Optimism that a recession can be avoided is being tempered by anemic investment and productivity growth [a45080db]. Germany is considered the 'sick man' of Europe, with little to no growth expected for the full year. Other economies in Europe, such as the Netherlands and Ireland, which have been big drivers of growth, are now stalling. France is experiencing meager growth despite a swelling budget deficit. Italy, while defying the gloom and expecting GDP to expand around 1% this year, is also showing signs of ill health, particularly due to the Superbonus tax credit for eco-friendly home renovations. Italy's recovery has been a boost for Europe, but it is still more likely to slow than outperform this year. Italy and Europe should make a success of pandemic recovery funds to invest in the future. Europe should adopt more demand-led policies to boost consumption. Europe's current mix of tight monetary policy and lack of fiscal support is concerning. Bundesbank boss Joachim Nagel expressed concern that Europe is getting sick [bb5d24ff].

Italy is facing a severe economic crisis, causing great difficulties and a decline in purchasing power [b334118b]. The crisis has reached an advanced stage, and finding solutions is challenging for the government. Italy is not the only country experiencing an economic crisis, as France is also affected. It is important to approach the situation from different perspectives and not solely blame the government. Fighting the economic crisis is a difficult challenge that requires collective effort [b334118b].

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