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Padtec Announces Alliance with Kubos Tecnologia for the Colombian Market

2024-03-19 19:17:02.293000

Photocat, a global leader in sustainable solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with Hydag AG, a Swiss leader in techno-chemical technologies. The collaboration aims to enhance environmental performance and provide eco-friendly de-icing solutions in Switzerland. Photocat's suite of de-icing products and photocatalytic technologies will play a pivotal role in this partnership. Hydag AG has already placed an initial order for Photocat's products, with a potential value of up to 3 million DKK over a 3-year period. Both companies share a commitment to sustainability and aim to drive change in various industries. The partnership is set to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions that reduce the environmental footprint and promote cleaner air. Photocat is a leading innovator in sustainable solutions, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, and Hydag AG is a Swiss leader in techno-chemical products for scale and corrosion prevention.

Padtec, a technology hardware and equipment company, has announced an alliance with Kubos Tecnologia for the Colombian market. The announcement was made on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Padtec and Kubos Tecnologia will collaborate to provide technology solutions in Colombia. The alliance aims to leverage Padtec's expertise in technology hardware and equipment and Kubos Tecnologia's knowledge of the Colombian market. The partnership will enable both companies to expand their presence and offer innovative solutions to customers in Colombia. The details of the alliance and the specific technology solutions to be offered were not mentioned in the article.

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